Monday 10 June 2019

NEW RESEARCH: Partnerships help drive growth at LBB Infoshare

Infoshare logoAvid readers of TechMarketView research will know that we like to keep in touch with the companies that have been through our various SME programmes, following their progress from start-up to scale-up and beyond. We have a special affinity with the disruptive SMEs that took part in our inaugural programme - the ‘Little British Battlers’ or LBB Programme– so we were delighted to catch up with the CEO of one of these LBBs, Pamela Cook from Infoshare, a UK-owned software company that works with organisations to create single views of people, objects, locations and account information.

We were particularly pleased to hear how successful Infoshare has been with its partnering strategy. Often the SMEs that we talk to complain about the challenges of partnering with larger SIs, or the lack of business they’ve won through formal SME partnering programmes, but for Infoshare the experience has been a very positive one. In particular, Pamela highlights the success they have had with AccentureAtos and most recently Agilisys.

TechMarketView subscription clients and UKHotViews Premium subscribers can read the full story today in UKHotViewsExtra: Partnerships help drive growth at LBB Infoshare.

Posted by Tola Sargeant at '08:30'

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