Tuesday 06 December 2011

'Little British Battlers' day – more slots announced

We have had an absolutely overwhelming response to our invitation for ‘Little British Battlers’ to meet the TechMarketView team early next year (see Calling all ‘Little British Battlers’!). Indeed, we are already approaching ten-times oversubscribed for the slots available at the 25th January event.

So this is what we are going to do.

First, we are going to extend the day to bring in 12 companies rather than ten.

And then, we will look at running these events on a regular basis throughout 2012 to try to meet as many companies as possible.

So, if you are the CEO of a small, UK-owned software or IT services company punching above its weight, battling to carve out your fair share of the local or overseas market, don’t delay.

Please contact Deborah Seth ( for an information and pre-qualification pack. The deadline for applications is Friday 16th December, and the selected companies will be notified early January.

Candidate companies must be privately held, headquartered in the UK (not subsidiaries of foreign firms), and have annual revenues typically under (usually well under) £25m.

As we said last week, this is an unparalleled opportunity to get your company on the radar of the UK’s premier software and IT services research firm, and gain a level of market exposure which frankly money can’t buy!

We hope to see you there!

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:55'