Thursday 14 June 2012

Offshore players – will it be an 'annus horribilis’?

imageLast quarter ended with more of a whimper than a bang for some of the top India-based offshore services players. It wasn’t so much that the numbers were that bad—though growth was disappointing for some. It was more the depressing tone of the outlook statements that unsettled the markets.

In the latest edition of TechMarketView OffshoreViews, we summarise how the major India-based fared during the quarter and how they saw their prospects for the year. Plus of course you can see our summary table for the players’ key operational metrics, and we have an interview with Shankar Narayanan, as he approaches his first anniversary as head of TCS UK.

OffshoreViews is available for download here for eligible TechMarketView subscription service clients.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '11:41'