Tuesday 23 April 2013

UK central government: the rise of 'digital'

Government ICT governance changesTechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team forecasts continuing declines in the UK central government SITS market over our forecast period. We doubt the level of cuts recently suggested by Rohan Silva, David Cameron’s Senior Policy Advisor are achievable; he told the Telegraph that Government spending on IT could  be cut from the £15b a year spent on IT when the current Government was elected to “low billions of spend”. Supporting our view of the considerable challenges that the Cabinet Office faces, a recent NAO report highlighted that the Cabinet Office's Efficiency & Reform Group (ERG) needed to move beyond the role of imposing spending cuts towards indentifying long-term sustainable savings (see UK central government: NAO seeks sustainable savings).

We do, though, accept that the Cabinet Office is showing a great determination to get best value for money for the taxpayer and is truly committed to driving down ICT expenditure. Indeed, it continues to put the platforms in place, particularly governance structures, to make this happen. As a consequence, we are seeing a number of significant changes in Whitehall that will have an impact on suppliers, both large and small, targeting central government departments and agencies. Many of those changes have been driven by the Digital by Default agenda. In this latest PublicSectorViews research note – UK central government: ‘the rise of digital’ - Georgina O’Toole considers recent developments and determines the impact they will have. If you are a PublicSectorViews subscriber you can download the report now. If not, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to get access.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '21:16' - Tagged: publicsector   centralgovernment   strategy