Thursday 29 August 2013

New research: ESAS Market Trends & Forecast 2013

ChartWhen two mature markets come together the dynamics change and assumptions about the role of each type of supplier come under harsh scrutiny. This is exactly what we are seeing in the ESAS market as application services providers push into the software market with their own software IP and off premise provisioning. Curiously, software suppliers have not moved as far in the opposite direction (i.e. into the services space) despite their lead in SaaS. Nor are they making the most of the potential around growth areas like big data and analytics, and mobile platforms where their expertise could be a precious asset given that these technologies stoke demand for expert knowledge and specialist services.

With a CAGR of just 1.3% (2010-16), there is an intense struggle for revenue and relevance in the ESAS market, which is analysed in the latest report from the ESASViews research stream: ESAS Market Trends & Forecast 2013, Part 1. Although both Enterprise Software and Application Services exist as separate markets, there are more and more points of overlap, which is creating a hybrid market with its own set of dynamics and characteristics. The evolution of this proto-market will be fascinating and the ESAS Market Trends & Forecast report sets the baseline for future comparison. 

Eligible subscribers can access the report here. Those who have yet to sign up to our subscription services can find out more from Deborah Seth.

Posted by Angela Eager at '09:11' - Tagged: software   applications