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Share Price performance in December and 2020 as a whole
NASDAQ continued its Bull run rising another 6.2% in December making it a massive 43.6% gain in 2020. Set this against the FTSE100 which, although rising 3.1% in December as a BREXIT deal was finally agreed and two C-19 vaccines approved, still registered a 14.3% fall in 2020 as a whole.
The FTSE SCS Index, which most closely tracks the Software & IT Services companies on the LSE that we follow, also rose 3.3% in December. But is also down 11.8% in 2020.
So the place to be in 2020 was in US Big Tech!
Let’s be honest, at the start of January 2020 I (and practically everyone else) hadn’t a clue that we would be hit by a pandemic like C-19. This eclipsed all other issues – including BREXIT, Trump etc.
I was actually quite optimistic for the outlook for tech stocks. Fortunately one prediction I got (massively) correct – but for mainly the wrong reasons!
I’m still optimistic for 2021. Although I am not a BREXIT supporter, I am pleased that a deal has finally been done and, hopefully, we can move forward. If Britain sets it mind to it, it can succeed. We have so many talents. On top of that various C-19 vaccines will be rolled out. So, later in 2021, our lives might eventually return to something more normal. Some reports suggest that £400b has been ‘saved’ by UK consumers who are awaiting an opportunity to spend on holidays, eating out, new clothes etc. Some are predicting a new ROARING TWENTIES. With interest rates set to continue at their current historic lows, more people with turn to equities.
C-19 has hastened the importance of tech. Indeed many are saying that ‘nine years of digital transformation has been achieved in the nine months since C-19 hit’. I really can’t see us reversing that transformation. Online shopping, WFH, ‘Zooming’ etc are the new norms.
But even given that, it would however be a brave (or foolish..) person who forecast that NASDAQ would repeat its 44% rise again in 2021.
Wishing you all a Happy, Successful and, above all, Healthy 2021.
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Posted by Richard Holway at '12:34'