Wednesday 09 March 2022

*UKHotViewsExtra* Strategic Review of Policing: police tech woefully inadequate

Report Cover ImageThe Final Report of the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales was published yesterday. It discusses how the technological revolution has changed the nature of crime and the need for a police service that has the skills and technology to meet the demands of the future.

The Review was launched by policing think tank the Police Foundation in September 2019 with the intention of examining how crime, fear of crime and other threats to public safety are changing and to assess the ability of the police to meet these challenges. It was chaired by Sir Michael Barber, with guidance provided by an Advisory Board of former senior police officers, politicians and academics.

The comprehensive analysis details how the nature of crime has changed, the increasing demand placed on forces, the impact of austerity, the loss of public confidence in policing, and the role of technology in both committing and fighting crime. It highlights three key areas of challenge faced by policing: capacity, capability, and organisational.

As well as recommending significant structural reforms, including the establishment of a new Crime Prevention Agency and a major expansion of the National Crime Agency, it contains a raft of ideas to improve the use of technology in policing.

HVX logoThe Review states that police technology is in general "woefully inadequate" and is often outdated and cumbersome. It calls for the Government to increase investment to enable a significant upgrade of police IT; the introduction of a common set of ICT standards; and a Technology Fund to ensure adequate funding for national technology programmes. It also sets out the case for the College of Policing becoming a single home for police national improvement functions including IT and national procurement.

TechMarketView subscribers, including those signed up to UKHotViewsPremium can read more about the Review's recommendations, including changes to the structure of policing, the changing nature of crime, technology procurement, digital skills and ethics here. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out how to access this and much more.

Posted by Dale Peters at '08:27' - Tagged: strategy   police   law+enforcement   public+safety  

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