Friday 28 June 2024

*UKHotViewsExtra* From peripheral to core business ops – sustainability beds in

We’re looking forward tSustainability Technology Activity Index image o publishing the Q1 2024 edition of the Sustainability Technology Activity Index later in the Summer – TechMarketView’s unique take on sustainability technology and the activities being undertaken worldwide across a range of impact areas.

To prepare the Index each quarter, we examine the sustainability-related activities from our worldwide watchlist of over 1,400 companies (roughly 80% being software and IT services suppliers; the remainder, tech-user organisations with a sustainability angle). Early findings so far, as we crunch the numbers on the 350+ sustainability technology activities we logged globally in the first quarter of the year, reveal a picture that’s – in part – an evolution from the last Index report (which took in data from Q4 2022), but with some notable changes in the landscape for 2024.

One of those (welcome) evolutions – and something we’ve written about a lot in our sustainability coverage in HotViews over the intervening months – is the need for sustainability technology investments to deliver on multiple fronts (rather than being bolted-on to serve a single, not directly revenue-generating, purpose). Such initiatives stand a much better chance of not subsequently being sheared-off when economic times get tough (or management regimes and corporate priorities change) when they’re woven into the very fabric of business strategies and day-to-day operations… thus moving sustainability issues beyond the sole purview of the Chief Sustainability Officer, becoming simply business issues.

TechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can read more about this shift in perceptions and operations, and the growing nexus of business and sustainability (enabled by tech), in this new expanded UKHotViewsExtra article: From peripheral to core business ops – sustainability beds inIf you aren't a subscriber – or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription – please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '10:53' - Tagged: trends   integration  

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