Wednesday 02 March 2011

Logica’s margin challenge

Logica margin CVThere’s no doubt that CEO Andy Green’s ambition to move Logica’s ‘adjusted’ operating margin into double digits in the medium term  is a fine and noble cause (see Logica UK yet to claw back share). Indeed, to do so could start to put Logica on a similar footing with Accenture which, at 13-14% margins, is surely the gold standard for a (non-Indian) global IT services pure-play.

But could this merely be a pipedream?

In our latest CompanyViews note, we take a slightly deeper look at the challenges facing Logica’s march towards 'margin Nirvana', and offer some thoughts as to how they might be surmounted – with clear lessons for other players in the pan-European IT services marketplace.

TechMarketView Foundation Service subscribers can download Logica’s margin challenge here. Others can dash off an email to our Puni Rajah ( to find out how!

Posted by HotViews Editor at '07:46'