Sunday 20 March 2011

TechMarketView research round-up

TMV LogoLast week saw the publication of three new pieces of research from TechMarketView. Our Managing Partner, Anthony Miller’s regular quarterly round-up of the venture capital and private equity side of the UK software and IT services sector rolled off the virtual presses on Thursday (see ‘Will LEPs leap to the rescue?’). Tola Sargeant, one of our public sector-focussed research directors, took a closer look at the UK social care SITS market through the eyes of privately-held social care IT provider, OLM Group, in Social Care IT: OLM evolves with the market.  And John O’Brien, the research director leading our BusinessProcessViews research stream, analysed Capita’s European ambitions in his latest research note.

It’s also been another busy week for TMV in the press. Georgina O’Toole’s views on public sector IT budget cuts have been widely quoted following her participation in a roundtable on the topic: Public Sector struggles to achieve IT savings in eWeek Europe and UK slow to react on IT budget cuts in DatacenterDynamics, are but two examples. Anthony Miller’s views on HP’s strategy were reported in Computing (see HP strategy: A negative verdict) and there was further coverage of our recent Cloud software report in various publications (e.g. Silicon’s Cloud will hoover up UK software spending).

The research highlighted above is only accessible to TechMarketView subscription clients of course – if you’d like more information on our research streams please contact Puni Rajah or Deborah Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '21:32'