Monday 09 September 2013

NEW report: Infrastructure Services Market Trends & Forecasts 2013

chartToday we launch our latest research into the UK Infrastructure Services market - the largest of the UK software and IT services four market segments. Overall, the infrastructure services market is set to remain broadly flat to 2016, with a CAGR of just 0.4%. In real terms - in other words, excluding inflation - the market will actually shrink. However, beneath this top line number, the market’s sub sectors exhibit varying performance levels - from the shrinking Operations market, to the strongly growing Provisioning market (which will hit double-digit growth in 2016).

Key to many buying decisions through our forecast period will be the CIO’s struggle to attain the optimal balance between outsourced/insourced supply and on-premise/off-premise infrastructure services. This is a fascinating market where traditional infrastructure services meet the ‘new world’ of cloud platforms and commercial models. But where precisely are the opportunities, and what challenges will suppliers need to tackle? “Infrastructure Services Market Trends & Forecasts 2013” examines these fundamental issues, details our view of the key market trends, and provides forecast data to 2016.

Subscribers to our ever-popular InfrastructureViews research stream can access the report here. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to sign-up, please contact Deb Seth (

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:47' - Tagged: research   infrastructure   report