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The fifth in our series of Little British Battler (LBB) events will be held in London on Wednesday 26 November 2014.
We want to hear from the CEOs of small, privately-held, UK-owned software and IT services companies that are punching above their weight in UK tech. There’s no specific theme for November’s LBB day, but as always we’re particularly keen to hear from innovative SMEs that have an interesting story to tell. Successful applicants from past rounds have been active in a wide variety of fields from big data analytics and business process automation, through to cyber security and the Internet of Things.
As usual we will select twelve CEOs to meet the TechMarketView research team in central London in closed session to present their company and its market propositions. In return we will give unbiased, constructive feedback based on our extensive knowledge and experience of the UK software and IT services market. Each session lasts 50 minutes and there is no fee or commitment involved.
The twelve companies will also be featured in UKHotViews, the most highly regarded and widely read source of opinion and commentary on the UK IT scene, and in a special research report distributed to selected ‘movers and shakers’ in industry and government.
Many of the CEOs who participated in previous Little British Battler events have seen real benefit to their company in terms of increased market visibility and access to new business opportunities (see here for just a sample). This is an unparalleled chance to get your company on the radar of the UK’s premier software and IT services research firm.
Candidate companies must be headquartered in the UK (i.e. not subsidiaries of foreign firms), privately held (though may have accepted external funding), with annual revenues under £25m. Companies must derive the substantial majority of their revenues from software and/or IT services and/or IT-enabled business process services.
If you want to apply, all you have to do is click here and fill in the registration form (you may apply again if you were previously unsuccessful).
The deadline for registrations is Friday 17 October. We aim to notify successful applicants by Friday 31 October.
Should you have any questions, please email us at
The TechMarketView Little British Battler programme is run in association with corporate finance firm MXC Capital.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:00' - Tagged: events lbb