Thursday 23 October 2014

*NEW RESEARCH* A view on techUK’s Three Point Plan

techUK logoLast week, techUK launched its ‘Three Point Plan’ on Public Services Transformation. It has been developed by techUK’s Public Services Board (PSB) and builds on the launch of techUK’s recently published ‘Securing our Digital Future’ Manifesto.

The aim of the Three Point Plan is to identify how industry will work with Government at a departmental level and across Government “to help ministers and officials experiment and innovate more successfully with technology”.

The three points are: Better Engagement, Better Information and More Innovation. There is no doubt that positive movement in the direction indicated is to be welcomed. But is it enough and what will it achieve? In this latest PublicSectorViews note we give our views on the objectives, the hurdles that will be faced in the plan’s implementation and its chances of success.

TechMarketView PublicSectorViews subscribers can download the research note – ‘techUK Three Point Plan: Targeting toughest UK Government ICT issues’ – now. If you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '09:52' - Tagged: publicsector  

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