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This latest report from TechMarketViews’ PublicSectorViews team – UK police SITS: market trends & supplier landscape 2014-15 – is one of a series of reports taking a deeper dive into the supplier landscape of one of the six UK public sector subsectors that TechMarketView’s public sector team tracks. The report can be read in conjunction with our update to the UK public sector SITS supplier landscape rankings (see UK public sector SITS supplier landscape 2014-15), published in August.
We consider the state of the market in which police sector SITS suppliers are operating, and how the market environment may change over the next few years. We also reveal the Top 10 SITS suppliers to the sector and consider how they are competitively positioned. For each of the Top 10 providers we give our view of their recent performance and prospects in the sector. Moreover, we highlight some of the more interesting players that sit outside the Top 10. Several of these players have the opportunity to make waves in the market as legacy contracts come to an end, legacy technologies are retired, and police forces look to new digital technologies to transform police forces. We will be publishing our detailed market forecasts for the UK public sector SITS market, including the police sector, in the coming weeks.
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '09:15' - Tagged: publicsector markettrends police suppliers