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Even before the result of the general election, the EU referendum vote had created a great deal of uncertainty for UK software and IT services (SITS) suppliers. We would like to know how the Brexit vote, and the eventual exit of the UK from the EU is affecting your business, as well as gathering your views on how the general election result may have changed things.
The TechMarketView analyst team is out and about, talking with ICT suppliers, on a daily basis. We hear voices of optimism and voices of pessimism. We have compiled a short survey to gather as much insight as we can and would like to ask those of you working for SITS suppliers, from amongst the c.20K readers of UKHotViews, to help. By gathering views from as many of you as possible, we will be able to get a comprehensive view of how Brexit will impact the UK SITS market over the next few years.
You can start the survey here: - it's open now (it should only take approximately 10 minutes to complete) and closes at 0700 on Wednesday 21st June.
We will publish the results of the survey in a special report in July (more details of our subscription services here). You should keep an eye out on UKHotViews, where we will feature some of the highlights of the survey, to make sure you don’t miss out. Participants have the option of entering a prize draw at the end of the survey, with one lucky person winning a ticket to TechMarketView’s Annual Presentation and Dinner on Thursday 5th October 2017.
Posted by Dale Peters at '08:09' - Tagged: election research brexit survey