Monday 16 September 2019

TechMarketView raising money for GOSH

GODH RBC Race for the Kids logosOn 12th October, TechMarketView’s Chief Analyst, Georgina O’Toole, and some of the TechMarketView team, including our Managing Director, Tola Sargeant, will be taking part, along with their families, in the RBC Race for the Kids – a 5k fun run (or jog, or walk, or wheel!) - for the seriously ill children at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH).

Some of you will already be aware that Georgina’s younger son (pictured) has been under the care of the Orthopaedic Department at Great Ormond Street Hospital for much of his life… indeed coinciding with Georgina’s time with TechMarketView.

Thomas_amputation_prostheticMost recently the hospital supported Thomas and the rest of the O’Toole family through the difficult decision to have Thomas’ leg amputated. Without the whole-child and whole-family care of this wonderful hospital, the journey could have been so much harder.

Georgina has always spoken highly of the hospital for the amazing care it gives, thanks to the fantastic staff and facilities. Now TechMarketView is looking to raise some money to support the charity and make a difference to other children being treated there.

We have set up a JustGiving page for donations – TechMarketView for GOSH - so please consider digging as deep as you can to support this very worthy cause.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '08:50' - Tagged: charity  

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