Tuesday 17 November 2020

*UKHotViewsExtra*: Atos launches Atos OneCloud

Atos logoIn a similar vein to Accenture’s recently announced Cloud First initiative, Atos has launched Atos OneCloud. In summary, the announcement sees Atos combining a range of services, supported by previous investments in a range of assets, under one roof within the organisation.

The aim is for clients to see a ‘one stop shop’, designed for maximum impact and efficiency, that will allow them to accelerate their journey to the cloud.

The announcement is backed up by a €2b investment over the next five years. In UKHotViewsExtra – Atos launched Atos OneCloud – we look at where the investment will be targeted, the benefits of the new organisational structure and go-to-market approach, and how and where Atos is achieving competitive differentiation.

UKHotViews Premium logoTechMarketView subscribers – including those signed up to UKHotViews Premium – can read the analysis now. If you would like to find out how to access this and a range of other analysis from the TechMarketView analyst team, please get in touch with Deb Seth.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '08:47' - Tagged: strategy   cloud   SI   organisationalstructure  

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