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This year, in light of the unprecedented impact of COVID-19, TechMarketView provided two distinct sets of projections in our UK SITS Market Trends and Forecasts 2020-2023 report published in July. Underpinning our estimates were two different scenarios that encapsulated the potential demand outcomes having considered the likely effects of the coronavirus on the end-user community, the technology industry and the wider economic and social environment.
Four months down the line there still remain unanswered questions regarding the arc of the pandemic, its future impacts and its legacies. We do, however, have a much clearer picture of how the advent of the C-19 era has affected and is affecting the UK SITS provider community.
Click to download Market Update Trends and Forecasts 2020-2023 for a better-informed view of how the recent unprecedented events are likely to shape the UK’s appetite for SITS services over the coming years.
Extending for the first time our vertical industry focuses beyond the Public Sector and the Financial Services arenas, this report also contains forecasts and trend analyses for the other major private sector segments. These comprise Manufacturing, Telecommunications, Media & Technology, Energy & Utilities, Retail & Wholesale and Travel & Transportation.
If you are an existing Foundation Services subscriber you’ll know you can access the report by clicking the link above. If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.
Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '07:43' - Tagged: publicsector media transport manufacturing financialservices energy retail utilities travel telecommunications MarketForecasts market+trends