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A strong start to 2020 in the UK SITS Consulting market was stopped in its tracks by the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns. The resulting business and economic impacts took a disproportionately heavy toll on this line of business. The early phase/non-operational nature of most consulting engagements left them comparatively easy to cancel or pause. Furthermore, their higher reliance on personal interactions made them more challenging to initiate on a remote working basis. The shorter-term nature of their contractual commitments also meant that the stall in client decision making that accompanied Lockdown 1 resulted in a fast growing, often expensive bench.
When we published our annual Market Trends and Forecasts report in June 2020, we estimated that sales of Consulting services would fall by between 3.5% and 9.4% in 2020. We revisited this analysis towards the end of last year (see here) and concluded that the decline would be at the less severe end of this range. We also now expect that this market will recover quickly through the next twelve months and beyond as, post-COVID, clients across all sectors embark on fundamental reformulations of their strategies and operating models.
This is the market context for our Consulting Supplier Prospects 2021 and beyond report which is now available to download (click here). Subscribers to TechSectorViews can read the full analysis of the challenges facing the players in this market over the coming year, what they need to do to be successful and the ways to win in the longer term. The document also includes profiles of the Top Ten leading players (by revenue) in the UK SITS Consulting market.
If you are not currently a TechSectorViews subscriber and would like to gain access the report, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '07:56' - Tagged: consulting suppliers newresearch