Wednesday 21 April 2021

*NEW RESEARCH* Spotlight on Emerging Tech: Sights on Computer Vision

Sights on Computer Vision report coverWhen Amazon opened its Fresh branded walk-out, no till grocery store in London in March 2021 it put computer vision in the public’s eye so to speak. It also illustrated how deep learning and neural networks have enabled the technology to advance, making it somewhat more accessible and opening up use cases within both existing and new domains.

Movement restrictions put in place to cope with COVID-19 have played a pivotal role in changing mindsets about how technology like computer vision can be used to overcome challenges.

Combine that with:

·       the unstoppable drive for digital transformation,

·       the acute need to deploy advanced automation in the manufacturing sector,

·       rising demand for vision-guided quality inspection systems,

·       and increasing Health and Safety initiatives including COVID-secure workplace requirements impacting offices as well as industrial environments,

and it’s clear computer vision is positioned to play a key role in the COVID-suppressed world.  

For insight into the Computer Vision sector, developing application areas and emerging opportunities, download the latest TechSectorViews report Spotlight on Emerging Tech: Sights on Computer Vision.

The report examines the expanding industrial and business roles, its position in terms of natural interfaces and as it is not a silver bullet, highlights the limitations of this aspect of the AI tech stack.

Click HERE to access the report – and if you’re not already subscribed to TechMarketView contact Deb Seth to find out how to access our services. 

Posted by Angela Eager at '08:17' - Tagged: cloud   software   machinelearning   startups  

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