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The UK Business Process Services (BPS) market is seeing an unprecedented level of change as both service providers and their clients work to adapt operating models and service delivery to the impact of COVID-19. BPS players are having to transform their own operations at the same time as their clients at record speed, whilst trying to deliver both KPIs and contract profitability.
Moving delivery centres to WFH on mass will have a profound effect on future service delivery, accelerating a range of transformation activities that have been long overdue and needed the “burning platform” of a pandemic to get kick started. In the longer term, we expect service delivery to remain dispersed and geographically fluid with automation investment both increasing and becoming more strategic.
In the short to medium term service providers have the cushion of long-term contracts, whilst risk associated with Covid-19 and Brexit will also drive caution. This should favour incumbents as contracts get renewed and extended until the dust finally settles.
The smartest operators will use 2021 as an opportunity to accelerate their own transformation ahead of the wider industry curve, towards a hybrid robotics, tech-enabled and human delivery model, all necessary to ensure the long-term relevance of the sector.
Our latest BPS Operations Supplier Prospects report looks at the Top Ten leading players (by revenue) in the UK SITS BPS Operations market, and assess what they will need to do to be successful now and beyond. We also provide our analysis of the potential hurdles that will prevent suppliers reaching their potential in the short and mid-term.
Subscribers to TechSectorViews can download the BPS Operations Supplier Prospects report by clicking this link. If you are not currently a TechSectorViews subscriber and would like to gain access the report, please contact Deb Seth.
Posted by Marc Hardwick at '14:29' - Tagged: bps suppliers newresearch