Monday 16 January 2023

New AI research from TechMarketView and the University of Surrey

TechMarketView is delighted to be partnering with the Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI, part of the University of Surrey, to produce a programme of research. The alliance will see TechMarketView Research Directors collaborate with the institute to bridge the gap between academia and industry and enable the cross-fertilisation of research into the way AI can be applied to improve the way we live our lives (see TechMarketView partners with Surrey Institute for People-Centred AI | TechMarketView). ai

The first report, entitled Building AI-aided workforce resilience, is available now for TechMarketView clients to delve into. It includes analysis of the role of AI/ML in workforce resilience and advice for suppliers operating in the market.

Technology is a critical workforce resilience building block, providing the digital infrastructure, and connecting business systems, processes, and data sources. The family of data intensive technologies - data science, automation, and AI/ML - has a high impact role in delivering the intelligence-based capabilities organisations and workforces need to prepare for - sense and respond to - disruption.

Building AI-aided workforce resilience looks at how AI/ML is contributing to workforce resilience by assisting, augmenting, and protecting human workers. However, this shift can only happen if human autonomy and oversight is recognised and prioritised, which is part of the bigger picture of humanising and explainable AI and technology. The report also examines current practices and building blocks, and some of the off-the-shelf solutions available to support the drive towards AI-aided workforce resilience.

Those who attended our sold out TechMarketView Evening Event in September would have had the pleasure of hearing from Dr Andrew Rogoyski, Director of Innovation and Partnerships at the Institute. We look forward to continuing our work with Rogoyski and his team in 2023 and bringing our expertise together in future reports. 

To find out about becoming a TechMarketView client, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '10:00' - Tagged: AI   workforce   workforceresilience  

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