Monday 30 January 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* India-centric SITS Suppliers: UK Public Sector Presence & Ambition

ItIndian Centric SITS Suppliers Presence and Ambition Report Cover Jan 2023’s been interesting to watch the Indian-centric software and IT services (SITS) suppliers* over the twenty years that I have tracked the UK public sector market. For many years, they have acted with a lack of certainty in terms of their commitment to pursuing opportunities in this area of the UK market.  

However, we have seen a distinct change in attitude over the last few years. It is, perhaps, unsurprising, considering that the public sector makes up a quarter of the UK SITS market, that this group of players has decided, albeit at different times, to make a serious play for a slice of the pie. No longer are they willing to miss out on the opportunities open to them.

In this report we have researched and analysed the Indian-centric SITS suppliers active in the UK market to determine the turnover they derived from the UK public sector SITS market in their last reported financial year (and the year-on-year growth). Seven companies feature in our rankings (where an Indian-centric SITS supplier is absent from our rankings, it is because we have determined their revenues outside the commercial sector are negligible.) Alongside the UK public sector SITS revenues of the seven ranked suppliers, we have also included a breakdown of their UK public sector revenues by subsector (as defined by TechMarketView): central government, local and regional government, health, education, police, and defence.

For the five Indian-centric suppliers with the most revenues from the UK public sector – Wipro, TCS, Mastek, Cognizant, and HCLTech – we have provided a profile outlining their performance, ambitions, and prospects in more detail. TechMarketViews’ PublicSectorViews subscribers can delve into the evolution of their public sector businesses, their existing clients and contracts, their go-to-market strategies, and where they are directing their investment.

To download the report, follow this link: Indian-centric SITS Suppliers: UK Public Sector Presence & Ambition | TechMarketView. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth about how to access this latest detailed analysis – there will be a range of options open to you.

*We define Indian-centric as those suppliers that are either Indian-headquartered, were founded in India, or have most of their employees based in India.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '15:27' - Tagged: offshore   defence   education   police   health   indians   suppliers   IPP   competitoranalysis   local+government   public+sector   central+government   competitivelandscape   competition   supplier+rankings  

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