Friday 14 September 2012

UK BPS market landscape changing rapidly

logoHaving reviewed the fortunes of the key BPS suppliers to the UK market during the past year, it is clear that diversity of performance is becoming a major theme among the Top 20, as disruptive change introduces new types of player in to the market.

Emerging trends such as platform-based BPS, Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) and the convergence of B2B and B2C communications are forcing leading suppliers like Capita, Atos, Xchanging, HP, BT, Serco, Equiniti and Accenture to adjust their established BPS delivery models, and invest in new areas of opportunity. Meanwhile, others such as Mouchel and Vertex are falling by the wayside.

The supplier landscape is changing. India-based players like TCS are fast growing market share, and new entrants, from construction/support services providers like Balfour Beatty and G4S, to communications-focused BPS players like Arvato and Williams Lea, and vertical specialists like insurance player Quindell Portfolio, are carving out a place in the market.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's BusinessProcessViews service can read our analysis of the Top 20 UK BPS players, and this rapidly changing market landscape in our new report UK Business Process Services Supplier Landscape, 2012.

Posted by John O'Brien at '12:08' - Tagged: platform