Tuesday 18 September 2012

All the latest from TechMarketView

TMV logoAs we start to feel the chill of autumnal mornings, TechMarketView subscription service clients can feel warmed by the fact that they continue to get excellent value for money from our range of services. In the last two weeks of August, our InfrastructureViews and ESASViews services took the spotlight. In the first two weeks of September, it has been the turn of BusinessProcessViews and PublicSectorViews.

John O’Brien published a major report – UK BPS Supplier Landscape Report 2012 - updating subscribers on the fortunes of the key business process services suppliers to the UK market in 2012, as they face rapid, disruptive market changes. In addition, BusinessProcessViews subscribers were treated to John’s views on the fastest growing part of the UK BPS market - Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS) – in BPaaS in the UK: Managing the opportunities and risks.

Meanwhile, Georgina O’Toole and Tola Sargeant published PublicSectorViews’ third annual UK public sector SITS market trends & forecasts report outlining the main trends affecting the UK public sector software and IT services (SITS) market and highlighting where suppliers will find rare growth opportunities. This was followed by a deeper dive by Tola into the healthcare and education markets, both of which declined in size in 2011 but are set to return to positive growth territory in 2012 – see UK education SITS market trends and forecasts and UK healthcare SITS market trends and forecasts. And by Georgina’s in-depth analysis of the fastest growing of the UK public sector SITS segments: the police market (see UK police SITS market trends & forecasts).

Over the same period, TechMarketView Foundation Service clients have benefitted from Anthony Miller’s regular concise view of venture capital investment in UK SITS companies in IndustryViews Venture Capital quarterly review. Anthony has also had a prolific couple of weeks giving us greater insight into three UK SITS suppliers on UKHotViewsExtra: K3 Business Technology, Corero and Infosys.

The media have also been keen to publish TechMarketView opinion. The team has been quoted in various publications. With the UK public sector SITS market trends report hot off the press, Georgina O’Toole was widely quoted in Computerworld, ContractorUK, and CRN to name but a few. Georgina also drew attention for her views on the Cabinet Office’s register of high risk IT suppliers (for example, in MIS Asia). Richard Holway and Anthony Miller have been widely quoted, in both UK and Asian publications, on the impact of CGI’s acquisition of Logica (e.g. CFO World, Computerworld and The Times), as well as on the Sage takeover rumours (e.g. Computerworld). And Angela Eager was quoted by BusinessCloud9 on Citrix’s acquisition of Beetil. Finally, as if Richard would let an Apple product launch go by without expressing his views on the shiny new device (see Computing for just one example)!

Can you afford to be left out in the cold? If you’re not a subscriber, email Deborah Seth ( to find out how to become one.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '22:28'