Tuesday 07 June 2016


picWe are delighted to announce the relaunch of TechMarketView OffshoreViews, our quarterly review of the leading India-based offshore services players.

We have completely redesigned the content and format with the aim to make OffshoreViews even more useful and informative. In particular:

  • Graphics-driven: We’ve made extensive use of graphs and charts to make it easier to interpret significant trends.
  • Peer group analysis: New charts showing revenues, growth and margins for the Top Six in aggregate, including the all-important TechMarketView Net Linearity Index which measures headcount growth against revenue growth
  • Supplier SnapShots: Single-page summaries for each of the Top 6 Indian Pure-Plays (IPPs) with KPIs and graphics that can be used to compare players on a like-for-like basis, including key growth rates, revenue mix and UK revenue estimates
  • TTM performance base: All key graphics and KPIs are now presented on a trailing 12 month (TTM) basis to smooth out quarterly anomalies and accommodate different financial year ends. Long-term trends become more evident and there’s no excuse for ‘difficult’ comps’. It’s as if every quarter is a year-end!
  • UKHotViews commentary: We include the text from selected posts from the UKHotViews archive. The full text of all of our UKHotViews offshore posts can be found on our website.

And this is just for starters! We intend to further enhance OffshoreViews with even more insightful analysis and graphics over the next few issues.

Subscribers to the TechMarketView Foundation Service can download the latest edition of OffshoreViews, right here, right now!

For further information, just drop a line to

Posted by HotViews Editor at '08:40' - Tagged: offshore  

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