Thursday 09 June 2016

*NEW RESEARCH*: The Connected Workplace

Some of the most significant recent changes to the way of work have been driven by employees. Specifically, it was employees that brought their own devices to work, introduced certain SaaS-based tools, raised expectations around device performance and upped the pressure on their employers to mobilise their work experience. Generally speaking, centrally managed IT has fought this process rather than welcomed it because it goes againcwst guidelines, increases security/compliance risks, causes more work for IT support and so on. As a result, many organisations are now left with a ‘mish-mash’ of IT and communications (i.e. both sanctioned and ‘shadow’), and in most cases an environment that is still not user-centric and even more problematic to manage.

We believe IT departments should be encouraged to create an end user experience that is far more than just fit for purpose and that IT services suppliers should be endeavouring to help customers deliver an experience to users that goes beyond their expectations. This is now a possibility, based on available/emerging technology. But many CIOs are still fighting the tide of change, rather than recognising this as an opportunity to transform user and organisational productivity.

In “The Connected Workplace: Enabling an experience beyond expectations”, Research Director, Kate Hanaghan, examines the trends, opportunities and challenges in developing a workplace experience fit for the 21st Century.

The report is available now for subscribers to InfrastructureViews. If you do not currently subscribe and would like to, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:39' - Tagged: outsourcing   cloud   desktop   enduser  

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