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It’s here: the latest UK public sector SITS market trends & forecasts report from TechMarketView’s PublicSectorViews team. If you are already a subscriber to the PublicSectorViews research stream, you will know that this is one of two core reports published every year. It is the ‘bible’ of everything that is going on in the UK public sector SITS market. You will find detailed analysis of all of the subsectors - central government, local government, education, health, police and defence – allowing you to understand the thinking behind our detailed forecasts.
The headline is none-too-exciting: a pretty subdued market throughout our forecast period to 2019. But it’s the detail under the covers that needs to be explored. While three of the subsectors will decline over four years on a compound annual growth basis, the other three will perform pretty strongly. It’s all about understanding which organisations, when faced with tough budgetary pressures and mounting challenges, will bite the bullet and invest to transform… and which will act like rabbits in the headlights.
The political and economic climate means UK public sector organisations are operating in tough times. But the technological pace of change is picking up, offering those organisations solutions that may not have previously been available as they look to 'Surf the Wave of Disruption'. TechMarketView’s subscribers can find out which organisations we think are set to make the biggest investments, within what timescales, and how they are likely to engage with the SITS industry to make things happen. Download the report – UK public sector SITS market trend & forecasts 2016-2017 – now. Or, if you are not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '09:15' - Tagged: publicsector centralgovernment localgovernment markettrends defence education police health forecasts