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Last year, our UK Business Process Services (BPS) landscape report was all about 'disruption' occurring across the leading suppliers in the market (see UK BPS Supplier Landscape 2015).
In 2016, that disruption is now impacting the very top the market—market leader Capita issued its first-ever profits warning in September 2016, due to a ‘perfect storm’ of contract and operational issues hitting at the same time. We now have a new Number Two in digital payments processing firm Worldpay, meanwhile CSC re-entered the Top 10 following its takeover of Xchanging in May. Next year, we expect to have another shake-up as the pending mega-merger between CSC and HPE-Enterprise Services becomes a reality.
Our theme in 2016, ‘Surfing the Waves of Disruption’ therefore couldn’t be more apt, as UK BPS suppliers disrupt their own business models, and transform their legacy operations, in order to embrace Digital and Automation technologies and services.
This is about creating a step change in cost reduction, productivity improvement and customer experience, to remain competitive and relevant to customers embracing digital transformation.
Intelligent Automation is the modus operandi to achieve this, and it is being driven by the growing volume, velocity and variety of data (the three ‘v’s’), which is being created by business process platforms and captured within operations. Suppliers are scrambling to adjust, forcing new partnerships, mergers and restructuring.
Times are changing fast...
Subscribers to TechMarketView’s BusinessProcessViews research service can read about what all this means for BPS suppliers and those looking to disrupt or partner in this sector in our new report here: UK Business Process Services Supplier Landscape 2016.
If you’re not yet a subscriber, please contact Deb Seth ( to find out more.
Posted by John O'Brien at '14:17'