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Today, top teams from the twelve companies selected to participate in our ninth Little British Battler Day (see here) are coming to London to meet the TechMarketView team and senior partners from our sponsors, MXC Capital, to discuss their aspirations, opportunities and challenges in taking their business to the next level.
They join over 90 other UK tech SME business leaders whose companies have joined the Little British Battler ranks since we started the programme in 2012.
You will be able to read highlights of the companies here in UKHotViews shortly. Subscription clients of the TechMarketView Foundation Service will be able to find more detail on the companies in the next Little British Battler Report to be published in a few weeks’ time.
Because today’s event sees the entire TechMarketView research team out from the crack of dawn, there will be a limited UKHotViews service this morning. But fear not – we will be back tomorrow as usual talking about the things that really matter in the UK tech scene.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '06:00' - Tagged: lbb