Thursday 23 February 2017

*New Research* Public sector digital services: building citizen trust

Cartoon representing unlocking an individual's dataThere is no denying that the adoption of digital services in the public sector, and related to that, an improved use of data, is now seen as crucial to many of the UK Government’s objectives around better public service delivery: both its effectiveness and its efficiency. The Government Transformation Strategy (see UK Government Transformation Strategy: More steps in the right direction) made clear that without digital as the bedrock of transformational initiatives, very little could be achieved.

However, for the implementation of digital services to be successful and for Government to be able to use data effectively, the public sector must increase citizen trust. If it doesn’t, citizens will be unwilling to go further in adopting digital ways of interacting and will become increasingly reluctant to share their data.

In this research note, Georgina O’Toole argues that the public sector is facing a far more difficult challenge than the private sector. Public Sector digital services: building citizen trust looks at the extent of mistrust in digital public services, the array of issues Government must tackle and the multiple actions that need to be taken. For now, the Cabinet Office is focused on building the foundations but, looking ahead, a more holistic approach must be taken to encourage a change in citizen behaviours.

If you are a subscriber to PublicSectorViews, you can download the research now. If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to access this research (and much more besides), please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '17:48' - Tagged: publicsector   security   digital   data  

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