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In the course of researching the emerging Robotic Process Automation (RPA) sector, we have spoken with a number of enterprise end users on their experiences implementing and operating RPA across their back-office business processes.
It has provided a fascinating perspective on what is really happening at the coal face in deploying RPA solutions, and the real challenges and opportunities presented by enterprise customers.
These end user insights will continue to help frame our growing research into the Business Process Automation and RPA sector (see our series Business Process Automation – opportunities in the Robotic Revolution).
In this Analyst Views report, we provide insights specifically from conversations with senior business managers responsible for managing RPA deployments, in the highly-regulated retail banking and UK energy sectors: Robotic Process Automation: end user insights in retail banking and energy.
If you would like subscription information please contact Deborah Seth from our client services team.
Posted by John O'Brien at '08:54' - Tagged: enduser RPA