Thursday 20 April 2017

*NEW RESEARCH* Brexit: The implications

Brexit imageOn 23rd June 2016, the UK voted to leave the European Union. Since then much has been unclear. No-one has really been sure what Brexit will mean. For UK Government, for UK industry, for UK citizens living abroad, or for EU citizens living in the UK. We still have two years of negotiations, during which time we will be seeking to agree the terms of our withdrawal from the EU, a new trade agreement and future relationship with the EU, and any transition arrangements.

For SITS suppliers to the UK market this makes planning in the short-to-medium term very difficult. It is our view that in order to make strategic decisions, it is important to get a handle on the Brexit timetable, the likelihood of different scenarios and the implications. That is why, in this TechMarketView research note, we welcome Jo Clift as a ‘guest writer’, asking her to explain the current Brexit scenario and the likely outcomes. Jo has drawn on her years of experience in the heart of UK Government to answer numerous questions posed by TechMarketView on the implications of Brexit within Whitehall and, more broadly, for the UK. The result is a simple guide to a very complex subject.

Over the next couple of months, the TechMarketView team will undertake further analysis, using Jo’s insight as a foundation, to look in more detail at the implications for the UK software and IT services (SITS) market.  This will guide our revised market forecasts, which will be published in June.

Acknowledging the importance of this research, we have made this PublicSectorViews research note available to ALL TechMarketView subscribers.  The report - Brexit: The implications - can be downloaded now. If you would like to talk to the TechMarketView team about this ongoing analysis, please contact TechMarketView Director, Georgina O’Toole.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '12:29' - Tagged: brexit  

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