Tuesday 18 April 2017

*NEW RESEARCH* 2iC: Strong growth driven by international contracts

2iC logoWe recently caught up with Graham Booth, CEO of one of our Little British Battlers, 2iC (see UKHotViews archive). When we met 2iC in April 2015, it was a company with revenues of just c£300K (in its financial year to end December 2014 (see Little British Battlers: The Sixth Sense). Having grown at an average of 30% over the last three years, it achieved revenues over £0.5m in its last financial year.

In this latest UKHotViewsExtra article, we look at why Booth believes future growth will be driven by international opportunities and discuss why the company has become frustrated with the slow pace of change within the UK Ministry of Defence. If you would like to read more, and are already a TechMarketView subscriber, you can read ‘2iC: Strong growth driven by international contracts’ now. If you would like to find out how to access the research, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '13:20' - Tagged: publicsector   defence   sme   lbb   cyber  

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