Tuesday 11 July 2017

*NEW RESEARCH* UK public sector SITS market forecast preview

Report - page extractToday, the TechMarketView PublicSectorViews team publishes its annual UK Public Sector SITS: Market Forecast Preview.

It does exactly what it says on the tin, giving PublicSectorViews subscribers an early view of our detailed forecasts for the UK public sector SITS market through to 2020, including by vertical subsector (central government, local government, education, health, police and defence). Subscribers can investigate how macro issues are, and will continue to have, a significant effect on the ability of public sector organisations to drive transformational change.

We will be publishing a thorough analysis of the drivers and trends in each of those subsectors in a subsequent report. PublicSectorViews’ subscribers can download the preview report – UK Public Sector SITS: Market Forecast Preview 2016-2020 - now.

If you are not yet a subscriber and would like to find out more, please contact Deb Seth, who would be more than pleased to help.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '09:22' - Tagged: publicsector   centralgovernment   localgovernment   markettrends   defence   education   police   health   forecasts   brexit  

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