Monday 14 September 2020

*NEW RESEARCH* Operations Management in the “New Normal”

Our new research Operations Management in the “New Normal” is launched today.

report coverMany fundamentals have changed within the workplace since COVID first worked its way across Europe. Many organisations went from less than 10% of their staff working from home (WFH) to more than 90% in a matter of days or weeks. And whilst there will be a “Return to Office” later this year through to the beginning of next, my sense is that something over 40% will remain active WFH.

Whatever the proportion, employees will expect greater flexibility and more choice of workplace, and the “special circumstances” approaches to manage work that were deployed in the crisis may not be sustainable. This shift in the fundamentals of where and how people work offers both challenges and opportunities for organisations and their staff.

A key component of the debate is a focus from employers on how to maintain or improve productivity in a remote working or hybrid (remote/office based) workplace.  How should organisations meet the challenges of control, oversight and performance management alongside ensuring staff wellbeing where they aren’t physically present in company premises?

Sending people home to work has already proved to be a reality check for many organisations on how the management processes really work. Senior leaders found just how much of their control relied on “line of sight” management and employee presenteeism with productivity and performance data being incomplete, inaccurate and horribly lagged. Try explaining that to the regulator or your CEO!

To explore these themes in more detail, I spent some time recently with Richard Jeffery from ActiveOps, the operations management platform and services provider, to discuss how things could/should look in the “New Normal”.

Subscribers to TechMarketView's TechSectorViews can download this report now. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to know more about how to access our services, please email Deb Seth.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '11:42' - Tagged: management   newresearch   covid-19  

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