Thursday 14 October 2021

TechMarketView Webinar: Making Green from Green

Thank you to everyone who joined us the fourth and final webinar in our autumn series this morning, Making Green from Green, where we explored the emerging sustainability market opportunity and how the supply side is gearing up to tap into the revenue streams that could flow from it, with TechMarketView’s Angela Eager and Duncan Aitchison.

WebinarIf you didn’t manage to attend the live event, you can view the recording here. We’ll also be making the slide-deck available to both our corporate and UKHotViews Premium subscribers later in the autumn – look out for the link in UKHotViews in the coming weeks. 

In the meantime, TechSectorViews subscribers can delve into the detailed research behind the webinar in reports such as Making a Difference with Sustainability Tech or our various market trends, forecasts and supplier rankings reports. (If your organisation doesn’t currently subscribe to our in-depth research in this area, contact Deb Seth for more details).

And if you’ve enjoyed the webinar series, mark your calendars now for our popular, in-person, ‘Evening with TechMarketView’ event which will be returning on 22 September 2022. We look forward to seeing you there!

Posted by Tola Sargeant at '12:08' - Tagged: sustainability   webinar  

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