Wednesday 17 November 2021

*NEW RESEARCH* The Hot 10 UK Application Services Suppliers

The TechMarketView Hot 10 UK Application Services Suppliers report is available to download here.

For many years, the list of leading Application Services (AS) suppliers in the UK market has remained relatively static. A market dominated by blue chip brands headquartered in the USA, India and France, newer entrants and aspiring Tier 2 players have struggled to make it into this segment's premier league. The accelerating rotation to the New, however, has created and is sustaining market conditions conducive to the accelerated expansion of digital

Cover native and digitally re-invented AS providers.

In this report we profile ten smaller and medium sized UK AS players which both have sustained double digit revenue growth through the pandemic affected months and stand well positioned for continuing success in the years ahead. All currently outside the TechMarketView list of Top 20 UK AS suppliers, the organisations featured include several domestically-HQ’d rising stars together with a number of fast expanding offshore and nearshore based AS suppliers.

If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews click here to download the Hot 10 UK Application Services Suppliers report for the latest view of the emerging challengers in this market segment. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Duncan Aitchison at '07:00' - Tagged: services   applications   newresearch   serviceproviders  

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