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TechMarketView’s Digital Future Sales 2021 research reveals spend through the three Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks: G-Cloud, Digital Outcomes & Specialists (DOS) and, most recently, Digital Capability for Health (DCFH) was up 28% to £3.7bn in the 2021 calendar year. G-Cloud accounted for 72% of spend during the period, with DOS accounting for 27%—spend via DCFH represented less than 1% of spend.
Spend on G-Cloud was up 32% to £2.7bn, largely as a result of Health expenditure relating to the pandemic, but also through increased digital spend in the Defence and Central Government subsectors.
The challenges of bringing in teams and specialists during the pandemic suppressed spend via the DOS framework in 2020; however, spending picked-up in 2021. Year-on-year spend increased 18% to just over £1.0bn; the first time DOS spend has exceeded £1bn over a calendar year.
The rate of growth in spend with SMEs during the period was faster than that of large companies, with the former up 33% to £1.4bn (2020: £1.0bn) and the latter up 26% to £2.3bn (2020: £1.8bn), resulting in SMEs representing 37% of spend for the year (2020: 36%).
Four companies (AWS, Kainos, Deloitte and Capgemini) broke the £100m barrier for combined G-Cloud and DOS income during the year. Six buyers (Home Office; HMRC; NHS Digital; Department for Work and Pensions; Ministry of Justice; and Department of Health and Social Care) broke the £100m spend barrier—their combined spend represented 38% of combined G-Cloud and DOS spend for the period.
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Posted by Dale Peters at '17:06' - Tagged: government g-cloud data dos public+sector digital+marketplace digital+future ccs