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As we highlighted in our PublicSectorViews report, UK Public Sector SITS Market Outlook Update and Predictions, the UK Government’s refreshed Integrated Review of Security, Defence, Development, and Foreign Policy has been eagerly anticipated by tech providers to UK defence and security market. Yesterday, it was published with the title, “Integrated Review Refresh 2023: Responding to a more contested and volatile world” (you can read the entirety here).
As expected, the new review considers the geopolitical shifts that have taken place since the initial publication of the review in March 2021, providing the framework within which Government will respond to threats over the next five years. For tech suppliers there has been a lingering question for which they will seek answers: will there be a redirection of money away from digital, data, and technology back to the type of investment associated with traditional warfare, i.e., fighting equipment.
In short, there isn’t really a simple answer. It's possible to take a glass-half full or a glass half-empty view... but TechMarketView subscribers - including UKHotViews Premium subscribers can read our take in our latest UKHotViewsExtra from the PublicSectorViews team: Integrated Review Refresh 2023: An evolution (and some more money) | TechMarketView.
If you aren't a subscriber - or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription - please contact Deb Seth to find out more.
Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '21:48' - Tagged: defence policy security government resilience nationalsecurity