Wednesday 29 March 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* Europol highlights the impact of generative AI on law enforcement

Europol logoEuropol Innovation Lab has published a new report investigating the impact of large language models (LLMs) such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT on law enforcement, concluding that they are able to facilitate a significant number of criminal activities.

Europol organised workshops with subject matter experts from across the organisation, including from operational analysis, serious and organised crime, cybercrime, counterterrorism, and information technology, with the intention of exploring how criminals could abuse ChatGPT. It chose ChatGPT as it is the highest-profile and most commonly used LLM currently available to the public, but also considered the impact of newer and more sophisticated LLMs.

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The report identifies two main malicious use cases for ChatGPT: 1) fraud, impersonation, and social engineering, and 2) cybercrime.

TechMarketView subscribers, including UKHotViews Premium subscribers, can find out more about Europol’s views on the likely impact of large language models on law enforcement here.

If you aren't a subscriber – or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription – please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Dale Peters at '10:03' - Tagged: police   AI   law+enforcement   Chatgpt  

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