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IBM Consulting shared details of some generative AI developments and customer momentum as part of its Analyst Summit in London recently.
The company revealed that nearly half (48%) of the 3,000 CEOs surveyed for the IBM Institute for Business Value report on CEO decision-making in the age of AI now rank productivity as their highest business priority (up from sixth place last year). IBM also outlined how AI (and generative AI in particular) is now a major plank of its offer (multi-model, to match Big Blue’s hybrid multi-cloud ethos), and how partners are key to delivery.
In UKHotViewsExtra – Productivity, partnerships, and pervasive-yet-pragmatic AI with IBM Consulting subscribers to TechMarketView research services can learn about IBM Consulting’s partner relationships, its AI strategy, and how its “seven bets for business” are seeking to help customers meet their productivity and modernisation challenges head-on.
If you are a TechMarketView subscriber you can access the research now: UKHotViewsExtra – Productivity, partnerships, and pervasive-yet-pragmatic AI with IBM Consulting. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.
Posted by Craig Wentworth at '17:15' - Tagged: consulting productivity generative AI