Thursday 27 July 2023

TechMarketView Evening 2023: Guest speakers confirmed!

If you haven’t booked to attend our annual Evening with TechMarketView this year, the question must be, why not?

At 6:30pm on Thursday 21st September, we will be gathering at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) in London where we’ll have a raft of impressive speakers ready to help you navigate your way through an increasingly complex tech market.

After welcoming you with drinks, you will join us in the auditorium for an hour-long pre-dinner session to hear from TechMarketView’s top analysts and our guest speakers. A combination of short presentations, a fireside chat, and a panel debate are set to bring TechMarketView’s 2023 research theme – Pursuing Productivity – to life.

We’ll look closely at the UK’s record on Productivity, investigate how different industry sectors are faring, and reveal if technology investment is making a difference. We’ll ask whether next-generation technologies will significantly impact the ability of organisations to boost their Productivity. And, with Sustainability increasingly on the boardroom agenda, we’ll question - as we launch brand new TechMarketView analysis - whether the Pursuit of Productivity can be achieved while remaining committed to environmental care and social well-being.

Paula Sussex_Photo

We are delighted to announce today that two fantastic guest speakers will be joining us for our panel debate:

  • Paula Sussex (pictured above) is CEO of UK identity service, OneID. As well as new learnings from her most recent role, she will bring insight from her years of working as CEO of both the Student Loans Company and the Charity Commission, plus tech companies including Atos and CGI.
  • Ann Walker (pictured below) is Delivery Director Product & Technology, Migration & Borders Technology Portfolio (MBTP), DDaT, within the Home Office. Having worked in the Home Office since 2000, and in department's technology function since 2008, she brings a wealth of knowledge from the public sector, at a time when it is struggling to move the Productivity needle.

Ann Walker, Home Office - PhotoAnd if that isn’t enough to tempt you, you’ll also be mixing with some 200 other tech industry leaders including those from among the largest tech companies operating in the UK, such as global SIs, as well as local heroes. Don’t be shy – seek them out and introduce yourself during the registration drinks reception or after the three-course dinner. It could be the foot in the door you’ve been looking for in your quest for new partners.

You can book a ticket online at a cost of just £475 (+VAT) (but why stop at just one? What about inviting clients or prospects or valued team members?) through our Event Administrator, tx2events, at this link. You can also find out more about the event on our website here.

TMVE - book your ticket now

We look forward to welcoming you for an enjoyable and insightful evening. What are you waiting for?

With thanks to our sponsors:

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Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '07:00' - Tagged: TechMarketView   event  

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