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TechMarketView’s mission is to help its clients grow – not just in terms of revenue, but more broadly in terms of thriving as an organisation.
Central to this is the provision of a unique data sets and analysis that explains how the UK market will unfold and how to flourish against that backdrop.
Freshly published, and only available for members of our Foundation Service research programme, is TechMarketView’s much-anticipated Market Trends and Forecasts 2023 report.
Several months in the making, the report draws on TechMarketView’s unique combination of data and analysis, but also its relationships within the UK market.
We would therefore like to extend a special thanks to the CIOs, CTOs, CEOs, CFOs and their respective teams for their time and invaluable inputs during the research process.
This year’s analysis is FASCINATING. It shows that in 2022 (the last full year of analysis), growth hit its highest level for more than a decade - up 12.2% to £67.7bn. Furthermore, over the course of the next three years, spend on digital products and services will increase from c.56% of the market today to c.72% of the total UK SITS market in 2026.
Over this period, organisations will seek to drive greater value from their recent hikes in digital expenditure and will take a more exacting approach to technology investment decisions. Market growth is therefore set to dip from 12.2% in 2022 to 6.9% in 2023. Nevertheless, TechMarketView is forecasting a solid Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.8% through to 2026.
TechMarketView's proprietary Digital Evolution Model (DEM) provides breadth and depth of understanding across the many aspects of the Software and IT Services market and can be downloaded separately by clients as an Excel file. For added depth of insight, we also provide data across all the major industry sectors, including Public Sector where TechMarketView is a key advisor.
TechMarketView’s team of UK analysts uses a unique and carefully developed research methodology; the firm prides itself on its rigour and market knowledge, along with its ability to decipher complex trends and provide clear advice to our clients. Read the report or take one of our engagements to find out what the current market trends mean for your organisation and how you can ensure you thrive: Market Trends and Forecasts 2023.
Contact Deb Seth for more information.
Posted by HotViews Editor at '09:30' - Tagged: research growthstrategy