Friday 04 August 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* Cutting carbon across the telco supply chain

JACThe telecoms industry’s Joint Alliance for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) has called on suppliers to work together to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across the industry, highlighting in particular the contribution of Scope 3 emissions.

In UKHotNewsExtra - Cutting carbon across the telco supply chain (and beyond) subscribers to TechMarketView research services can learn about why the telecoms industry is focusing on its Scope 3 emissions, and how some suppliers are leveraging their position as the digital backbone in their customers’ businesses to build out services that help such customers measure their own carbon impact and make energy (and cost) savings to boot.

If you are a TechMarketView subscriber you can access the research now: UKHotViewsExtra - Cutting carbon across the telco supply chain (and beyond). If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has a corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '10:24' - Tagged: telcoms   Scope 3   telco   JAC  

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