Monday 07 August 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* Conduent in the UK – A Company snapshot

It’s now approaching seven years since business process operations specialist Conduent officially spun out of former parent Xerox. Since then, TechMarketView has followed the business’s evolution closely as Conduent has worked to rationalise activity, ‘slim down’ its offer and focus on doing a smaller number of things well. The 2023 version of Conduent is now principally focused on three key lines of business – the Commercial sector, the Government sector and on Transportation.

ConduentGeographically, whilst the business remains globally headquartered out of New Jersey in the US, it has been making steady progress in Europe with propositions that are resonating with the market, resulting in several recent impressive contract wins. This has seen the UK become one the region’s most important and dynamic markets from both a delivery and a sales perspective, with recent deals signed including the likes of National Highways to manage the Dartford-Thurrock Crossing of the River Thames east of London (see here) and with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) for a new Case and Incident Management System (see here).

Although Conduent has successfully raised its profile and is gaining traction in the UK market it can sometimes fly ‘below the radar’. This profile looks at how Conduent serves its European and UK markets, bringing this to life with some key UK-based case studies in the Transportation and Commercial, Customer Experience Management (CXM), space.

If you are a subscriber to TechSectorViews, download the  Conduent in the UK – A Company snapshot report today. If you don’t have a subscription and would like to gain access the report and our other research and services, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Marc Hardwick at '10:29' - Tagged: transport   bps   report   newresearch   CX  

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