Friday 25 August 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* G-Cloud / Digital Specialists Framework Spending Review 2022-23

G-Cloud Report CoverTechMarketView’s reviews of spending via G-Cloud, Digital Outcomes & Specialists (DOS), Digital Outcomes 6 (DO6) and Digital Programmes & Specialists (DPS) in 2022-23 are now available. The two reports cover spending trends through these Crown Commercial Service (CCS) frameworks over the 12-months ended 31 March 2023, including analysis of lots, supplier size, leading suppliers and buyers, and subsector (central government, defence, health etc.) variability.

Analysis reveals spend through G-Cloud was up 5.7% year-on-year to £3.0bn, the slowest annual growth since the framework was launched in 2012. This was largely the result of COVID-19 pandemic related spending, which boosted the market in 2021-22, coming to an end.  Four departments spent in excess of £100m through G-Cloud during the year, with the Home Office being the highest spender. There were six suppliers with G-Cloud income of over £50m, but AWS continues to be a long way ahead of the rest.

Across the three Digital Specialists frameworks (DOS, DO6 and DPS) spending increased by 18.5% to £1.3bn (almost identical to growth in 2021-22). The Central Government subsector accounted for nearly three-quarters of spend during the year. Two departments, Home Office and HMRC, spent more than £100m through these frameworks during the year. There were six suppliers with income in excess of £50m, with Capgemini now the leading supplier.

If you are an existing PublicSectorViews subscriber, you can access further analysis and charts here:

G-Cloud Review 2022-23

Digital Specialists Review 2022-23

If you’d like to discuss an extension to your existing subscription or would like details of how to subscribe to TechMarketView, please email Deb Seth.

Posted by Dale Peters at '07:00' - Tagged: framework   data   digital+marketplace   digital+future   ccs   data+insights  

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