Thursday 23 November 2023

*NEW RESEARCH* Defence Suppliers, Trends & Forecasts 2023-2026

Defence Suppliers, Trends & Forecasts Report 2023-2026 Front CoverTechMarketView’s latest UK Defence Software and IT Services (SITS) Suppliers, Trends, and Forecasts report is now available. It is the fourth of six subsector reports, after last month’s Education report, as well as the Central Government and Health reports published prior, and  our UK Public Sector Software and IT Services Suppliers Trends, and Forecasts report, published in August. It will be followed by subsector reports for the other public sector subsectors as defined by TechMarketView: Local & Regional Government and Police.

This report provides TechMarketView’s view of the UK Defence Software and IT Services (SITS) market from a market and supplier perspective. It provides our analysis of the performance of the market in 2022, a record year of SITS market growth for Defence, boosted by a whole range of factors, including, but not limited to Urgent Operational Requirements (UORs) related to the war in Ukraine; the acceleration of digital and data initiatives with the Front Line Commands (FLCs) and investment in the shift to hyperscale cloud environments.

The report also contains an update to our UK Defence SITS Top 10 supplier rankings, with our analysis of what is driving each player’s performance, as well as an insight into those suppliers that are threatening to unseat the leading players, and our pick of the ‘ones to watch’.

PublicSectorViews subscribers can find out the size of the UK Defence SITS market, its future growth, and who the leading suppliers are by downloading Defence Software and IT Services Suppliers, Trends and Forecasts 2023-26 today. If you are not yet a subscriber, or are unsure if your organisation has corporate subscription, please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Georgina O'Toole at '14:35' - Tagged: defence   forecasts   MarketForecasts   market+trends   public+sector   marketdata   marketanalysis   supplier+rankings   SupplierAnalysis   SupplierData   supplier rankings  

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