Thursday 23 November 2023

*UKHotViewsExtra* A pro-business Autumn Statement

Autumn Statement 2023 cover imageChancellor, Jeremy Hunt, placed innovation at the centre of his Autumn Statement 2023 announcements. Tax cuts for business, the pursuit of productivity and investment in technology were key factors in his growth plan; however, this meant there was little additional money to protect public services.

In our latest UKHotViewsExtra – A pro-business Autumn Statement – we review the latest economic and fiscal outlook; changes to National Insurance Contributions, a tax break for business and reform to welfare spending; the ongoing investment in innovation and the pursuit of productivity; the impact on public services; and what it all means for tech suppliers.

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If you aren't a subscriber - or aren't sure if your organisation has a corporate subscription – please contact Deb Seth to find out more.

Posted by Dale Peters at '10:13' - Tagged: strategy   investment   government   budget   autumn+statement  

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