Thursday 01 February 2024

TechMarketView launches SustainabilityViews – analysis and insight for SITS in sustainability

SustainabilityViews graphicTechMarketView is today very excited to announce the launch of new research stream, called SustainabilityViews, designed to help our clients better understand how software and IT services are being deployed in pursuit of environmental sustainability goals.

SustainabilityViews takes a global view of sustainability technology, tracking emerging tech and use case developments for SITS in sustainability-related fields – reflecting how the fight against climate change is a worldwide concern.

TechMarketView’s in-depth analysis extends across a range of use case areas:

  • Data and decision-making – e.g., carbon accounting, ESG reporting, and biodiversity;
  • Goods and services – e.g., agritech, operational technology, green IT, supply chain and the circular economy;
  • Lifestyle and logistics – e.g., smart cities, sustainable buildings, transport and travel ecosystems; and
  • Power and utilities – e.g., carbon capture and removal, energy generation, storage and supply.

Expect to see much more in our 2024 research agenda, including profiles and evaluations that look at the credibility of SITS suppliers in the sustainability space (both established players and disruptive new entrants), end user case studies, our Totally Sust podcast interviews, and analysis of funding and M&A activity.

Plus, we’ll provide regular round-ups of how key technology areas have a role to play in delivering sustainability impact (such as “AI in Sustainability”) and how sustainability issues are being tackled in different industry sectors (such as “Sustainability in the NHS”).

Craig Wentworth, Principal Analyst and SustainabilityViews lead, introduces the new research stream in this short video clip.

Characterised by rich data and easy to digest written analysis, SustainabilityViews is essential reading for anybody with a stake in technology-assisted sustainability initiatives. 

This new research stream will enable our clients to plan their approaches to sustainability, identify short term and long-term areas of SITS opportunity, and respond to market threats pre-emptively. It’s available from today, alongside our core Foundation Service, horizontal coverage of key technologies (including cloud, emerging tech, cyber, AI automation, and business process) in TechSectorViews, and in-depth coverage of key vertical markets in the PublicSectorViews and FinancialServicesViews streams. 

To understand more about how our new SustainabilityViews research stream can help your organisation understand its sustainability obligations, obstacles, and opportunities, please contact Deb Seth.

Posted by Craig Wentworth at '08:50' - Tagged: research   launch  

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